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Who can help me ?
Constructing a professional project and orientation assistance
The orientation and professional integration service of your university
The Lyon 1 and Lyon 2 universities both have structures in place to advise and assist their PhD students and postgraduates to construct their professional project.
The JEDs (Doctor Employment Days)
Organised each year by the Université de Lyon, these events allow PhD students to meet doctorate holders working in the private sector and recruiting companies, and to participate in workshops simulating job interviews. To better meet the varying needs of PhD students from different scientific domains, separate JEDs exist for the social sciences and for the exact sciences.
The Bio Techno Forum Rhône-Alpes
This annual forum is jointly organised annually by the Biodocs Lyon and Biodocs Grenoble and is dedicated to the employment of Doctors of the Biological Sciences. It allows newly qualified researchers to meet professionals from the biotec and pharmaceutical industries.
NSCo Breakfasts
Organised each year, these breakfasts are the opportunity for students of the NSCo to meet some of their potential employers.
APEC (national employment agency for executives)
APEC offers new graduates free, personalised assistance in searching for a job. APEC staff are experienced in the placement of PhD holders and will be able to offer you every help and assistance.
Starting your career
Université de Lyon courses
The Université de Lyon offers a variety of professional integration courses open to all PhD students. These courses may be validated by the doctoral school and credited towards the 80 hours of required interdisciplinary instruction.
APEC (national employment agency for executives)
APEC offers new graduates free, personalised assistance in searching for a job. APEC staff are experienced in the placement of PhD holders and will be able to offer you every help and assistance.
The ABG-Intellia'gence (ABG)
ABG-Intelli'agence's mission is to facilitate the training and employment of postgraduates in research laboratories, public institutions and private-sector companies in France and abroad. It also supports and promotes the development of scientific culture.