Special cases
Part-time thesis
When the thesis is conducted on a part-time basis, the duration of the preparation of PhDcan be extended to a maximum of 6 years.
Registering for a jointly supervised thesis
PhD students pursuing a jointly supervised thesis must also renew their registration each year, at both institutions. However, PhD students are only required to pay registration fees in one institution and this is always laid out in the Joint Supervision agreement signed by all parties. First-year and subsequent registrations in your Lyon University are compulsory, even if you are not physically in Lyon at the time.
4th & 5th year registration
Re-registration in D4 is possible only in exceptional circumstance. For your request to be considered, you must write a letter explaining the situation and provide a letter from your thesis director explaining the reasons for the delay in the research and a document from the PhD Supervisory Committee detailing the progress made and the expected timeline for publication and defence of your thesis. All these documents must be provided to the school secretary and uploaded to the ADUMplatform
A 5th year registration may only be granted for special cases (for example, due to sikness ou maternity leave).