Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL)
CNRS UMR 5292 INSERM U1028 - Université Lyon 1
Director : Laurent BEZIN ( Auditory cognition and psychoacoustics (CAP)
Nicolas Grimault ( & Fabien Perrin ( - Experimental neurosciences and mental training (EDUWELL)
Antoine Lutz ( & Jean-Philippe Lachaux ( - Perception, attention, memory (PAM)
Anne Caclin ( & Perrine Ruby ( - Computation, cognition and neurophysiology (COPHY)
Jérémie Mattout ( & Mathilde Bonnefond ( - Fluids & barriers of the CNS (FLUID)
Jean-François Ghersi-Egea ( - Olfactory coding & memory (CMO)
Nathalie Buonviso ( & Emmanuelle Courtiol ( - Sensory neuro-ethology (ENES)
Nicolas Mathevon ( - Forgetting processes and cortical dynamics (FORGETTING)
Paul Salin ( & Gaël Malleret ( - Genetics of neurodevelopment (GENDEV)
Patrick Edery ( & Sylvie Mazoyer ( - Integrative multisensory perception action and cognition (IMPACT)
Denis Pelisson ( & Alessandro Farne ( - Central integration of pain in humans (NEUROPAIN)
Luis Garcia-Larrea ( & Roland Peyron ( - Neurobiology and plasticity of olfactory perception (NEUROPOP)
Nathalie Mandairon ( & Moustafa Bensafi ( - Psychiatrics disorders : neurosciences research & clinical research (PSYR²)
Jérôme Brunelin ( & Eric Fakra ( - Pathophysiologu of the neural networks of the sleep/wake cycle (SLEEP)
Pierre-Hervé Luppi ( & Christelle Peyron ( - Translational and integrative group in epilepsy research (TIGER)
Laurent Bezin ( & Sylvain Rheims ( - From handicap to basic research (TRAJECTOIRES)
Yves Rossetti ( - Integrated physiologue of the brain arousal systems (WAKING)
Jian-Sheng Lin ( & Laurent Seugnet ( - Pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and related disorders (PATHPARK)
Bénédicte Ballanger ( & Stéphane Thobois (
Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI)
Director : Colette Dehay ( Neurobiology of Executive Functions
Emmanuel Procyk ( - Chronobiology and affective disorders
Nasser Haddjeri ( & Ouria Dkhissi-Benyahya ( - Building the cerebral cortex : Connectomics
Henry Kennedy ( & Kenneth Knoblauch (
The Dynamique du Langage Research Lab (DDL)
UMR CNRS 5596 - Université Lyon 2
Director : Françoise ROSE ( Linguistic diversity and its sources (DILIS)
Maïa Ponsonnet ( et Nina Dobrushina ( - Development, neurocognition disorders (DENDY)
Sophie Kern ( et Alice Roy ( - Perceptual-motor constraints and linguistic variation (COVALI)
Véronique Boulenger (
Institute for Cognitive Sciences Marc Jeannerod
CNRS UMR 5229 - Université Lyon 1
Director : Pier Francesco FERRARI ( NeuroPrime
Jean-René Duhamel ( & Sylvia Wirth ( - Neural and cognitive controle of action
Michel Desmurget ( - Pathophysiology of the basal ganglia
Léon Tremblay ( - Neuroeconomics laboratory
Jean-Claude Dreher ( - Neural bases of spatial cognition and action
Suliann Ben Hamed ( - Decision, action and neural computation
James Bonaiuto ( - Laboratory of cognitive neuropsychology and development
Liuba Papeo ( & Jean-Rémy Hochmann ( - Social neuroscience and comparative development lab
Pier Francesco Ferrari ( - Neuroplasticity in Parkinson's disease
Véronique Sgambato ( - Disorders of the brain
Angela Sirigu ( - The ape social mind lab
Catherine Crockford ( - Brain imaging methodological axis
Bassem Hiba (
The Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs Research Lab (EMC)
Reasearch Unit - Université Lyon 2
Director : Bernard Lété ( des apprentissages et du langage (CAL)
Eddy Cavalli (
Cognition, outils, systèmes (COSy)
François Osiurak (
Mémoire, émotion, attention (MEA)
Hanna Chainay (
Neurocognition et criminalité (NCC)
George Michael (
Eddy Cavalli (
Cognition, outils, systèmes (COSy)
François Osiurak (
Mémoire, émotion, attention (MEA)
Hanna Chainay (
Neurocognition et criminalité (NCC)
George Michael (
Mechanisms in Integrated Life Sciences (MeLis)
CNRS UMR 5284 INSERM U1314 - Université Lyon 1*
Director : Jean-Louis BESSEREAU ( and Autoantibodies
Jérôme Honnorat (
Behaviour, plasticity and memory in larval zebrafish
Owen Randlett (
Jérôme Honnorat (
Behaviour, plasticity and memory in larval zebrafish
Owen Randlett (
* previously at the Institut NeuroMyoGene
Laboratoire Ergonomie et Sciences Cognitives pour les Transports (LESCOT)
Université Gustave Eiffel
Directrice : Laurence PAIRE-FICOUT ( auditive et psychoacoustique
Neurosciences cognitives et neuro ergonomie pour l’analyse des déplacements
Psychologie sociale, sociologie et inégalités
Neurosciences cognitives et neuro ergonomie pour l’analyse des déplacements
Psychologie sociale, sociologie et inégalités