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Health gateway

Health gateway of the University of Lyon :

In order to improve your knowledge of the French health system and facilitate your access to care, the University of Lyon, in partnership with its establishments, the Crous de Lyon and with the support of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, lists in a portal all the information, procedures, devices and contacts useful to your physical and mental health according to your establishment:

Gateway Health

Informations about psychosocial risks :

You find below the practical guide to understand psychosocial risks and protect the health of doctoral students

- in french
- in english 

The thesis director, the representatives of the doctoral students and the management of the Doctoral School can be contacted in complete confidentiality if needed.

Measures for listening and signalling violence, abuse or discrimination :

There are different ways to report violence, abuse or discrimination according to the establishment where you are enrolled :

- Lyon 1
- Lyon 2
- Université Gustave Eiffel

The thesis director, the representatives of the doctoral students and the management of the Doctoral School can be contacted in complete confidentiality if needed.