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Doctoral contract 2024

Doctoral contracts are awarded following a competitive recruitment process focussing on specific research subjects

A doctoral contract is a three-year work contract for the employment of a PhD student by a public institution of higher education and research.

All PhD applications must be linked to a thesis offer published before the application.

Thesis offers are available on the following page

Recruitment calendar 2024

Friday 31 May 2024 : Deadline for submission of thesis offers by thesis directors via ADUM
Monday 09 June 2024 : Deadline for application
Tuesday 11 June 2024 noon : Deadline for validation of applications by thesis directors and lab directors
Monday 24 June 2024 : Pre-selection commitee (Composition of pre-selection commitee)
Wednesday 3 and Thursday 04 July 2024 : Final selection committee (Composition of final selection commitee)

Applications must be made via the dedicated interface indicated in each thesis offer. The information given must be completed with annexes to be attached as a signle pdf file on the interface.

Download the annexes required

Candidates will be required to provide marks from the second semester of their Master’s 2 or the request for additional information on Master until 28th June 2024.

In case of problems, you can contact Jeoffrey MAILLARD by email :

Criteria for the ranking of candidates :

Candidates will be ranked on their oral presentation in front of the selection board (ED NSCo Committee decision of 16th December 2014).